Sunday, May 8, 2011

Scratching My Head...

I just don't get it. 

This may sound silly, but why is there a book on "getting to unknow", which is about emptiness, right? Which is about how to get your meditations to be clear, and this book is 600 pages long...

600 pages long to talk about emptiness.

It just seems silly. We want to talk about getting to the core of our being, the centeral of what makes us, "US" that can be inclusive of our lives, yet, we need a 600 page book that explains how to get out of our heads and knowing...

It seems like the truth is simple, and in simplicity, takes DOing, not thinking.

Okay, enough of that!

Striping off all this other stuff, what we add on from others (Including folks like Oprah), requires finding your bones. Who are you? What is important in your life? Why? What can you live with? What can't you live without? Why? Get simple and basic.

Start with the big things and move down;  why are families are important, what roles do they play and why.
Friends in our lives, what do they add?
All this stuff, in the center is us.